Tag Archives: Life

peace… and WAR!

flowa powa

flowa powa

It’s decided, I am gonna be John Lennon for halloween. I was toying with some ideas, but I think this will be the most fun to do. I’ve got lots to do in preparation for this joyous event:

1. Acquire John Lennon glasses.(I got a really nice looking set for cheap on ebay lined up.)
2. Acquire Liverpool accent.
3. Acquire subsequent John Lennon-esque clothing
3.1 Decide upon which era of Lennon
4. Diligent John Lennon research, must learn:
4.1 Interests
4.2 Mannerisms
4.3 Outlook on the Universe
… and if I have time, I’ll learn some Lennon songs on piano.

Another chap on my floor is gonna be Bob Dylan, so we’ll play off that f’sho. If you’ve noticed the vivid awesomeness that is my post pic, you will be looking at the bead curtain I bought on ebay. I am gonna hang it outside my little corner block that I share with Hannah, my neighbour. I originally had my eye on a dragon one, but I liked the colour in this one.

Speaking of my corner block, this week Victoria continued the cycle of torment that I began one fateful night weeks ago. Back and forth Victoria and I have been pranking eachother, with increasing ferocity. It first started one time when I was walking past Tori’s room only to see her absorbed utterly in her studies. I crept with the sleuthiness of a true rogue and poised behind her, unnoticed, taking my time. After waiting what felt like an eternity I yelped and grabbed her. Needless to say, she flipped. And thus it began. Anyways, her latest prank was to create a minefield of styrofoam cups outside my door on the wee hours of Saturday morning. I awoke to find this:



Such a minor inconvenience has ne’er existed! Anyways, I gotta get her back in some new and devilish manner. If you got any suggestions for solid pranks, hit me up. I assure you, I’m willing to let this go on as long as it has to… and then some.



Filed under Fun, Life, School

catch up time!



Hellllo interwubs! It’s been a hectic week, hectic and awesome. The Monday-Friday grind represented a trifecta of midterms(US History, Philosophy and German Lit). For US History I had a take home midterm. I was like, “Pfft, this gonna be so easy. Ain’t no thang!”. In actuality, it was quite a cognitive marathon. One thing that never ceases to irk me about the study of liberal arts is the emphasis put upon ideas. These pesky things are harder to grab a hold of than lubed up marmots. They never come in a moment of enlightenment nor a glorious paradigm shift, no. They are tirelessly extracted from the mind, not unlike the contortionist act performed when one reaches the end of a toothpaste tube. But back to my week. Despite some stress, I produced some work I was proud of. I was feeling mighty patriotic when I wrote my US History paper and as a result it drips with American idealism I vicariously acquired. That’s an interesting aspect I’ve found with being amongst so many Americans: patriotism spreads. Not to mention, Gil Troy, my US History professor, is a really solid lecturer and you can’t help but root for America in this guys presence. Philosophy presented a whole different set of challenges this week. The focus of my essay was Descartes proof of the existence of God. To be honest, I was pretty uninterested in Descartes Meditations, resulting in a technical paper sans heart. And last but not least, German Literature! I actually was pretty happy with my performance on this midterm. Unfortunately, I know I got 12.5% of it wrong off the bat by some quote misattribution(damn you Hagen of Troneck!). All in all, the week was essentially a countdown to Friday because on Friday my older brother Milan visited from Ottawa. Having not seen him a fair bit of time I was glad to be able to spend time with him. I’d say the highlight of his stay was either going to La Ronde, this awesome amusement park in Montroyal or Thanksgiving Dinner at Will, Tim and Dan’s. The former was quite a crazy experience. Having only ever been on “The Coaster” a magnificently tame roller coaster in Vancouver, I was not prepared for the intensity that lay ahead. First off, we went on Le Monstre, a wooden roller coaster that rocked my world to the core. I was under the impression this could simply not be topped, when loe and behold, there she was: The Goliath. This thing was insane…. INSANE!!!!! RAWR OMGAWDDDD! Basically, scariest thing I may have ever done. Whewf!

The second greatest part of this weekend was Thanksgiving at Will, Tim and Dan’s. What a feast! It seems obvious to me that those guys were master chefs or turkey basters or something cooking related in their previous lives because man that was delectable! It’s awesomeness took root in its unconventional nature. Instead of a turkey, two roast chickens wrapped in bacon! Mmmmmm, triple bypass! Instead of cranberry juice, robust red wine! Instead of reflection and thankfulness(t3h 7o7al |\|()()|3 em0tionzors), mirth and gaiety were all around! Quite a great night. Anyways, I gotta go to bed now cause I have french in ze matin!


Here are some piktchures:

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Filed under Family, Fun, Holidays, Life, Montreal, School

a rebirth of spontaneity?

more house

more house

Last Saturday I attended a McGill improv workshop at the SSMU building. I went with few expectations, thinking that there was no way it could top Handsworth Improv, either under Führer Beare or Brett “Namaste” Jamieson. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the workshop. It was really basic and relaxed, which are two words I almost forgot could be associated with improv. I went with Victoria, a friend of mine from Gardner, who had been urging me for a few weeks. There are some really funny guys there, and the instructor, Jeremy, is an Australian so no matter what he says it’s a riot. I met a guy called Ben who thinks we have “rockin’ chemistry” in the improv department and talk of a tiny little troupe is circulating. I must say that I am as the francophones would say: “tres excité” by the propisition. I won’t lie, improv can make one a bit of a laughter addict. There are few sensations on par with the feeling following the delivery of a hilarious quip in front of a crowd of people. In fact, it should be easier now considering we’ll be playing in bars and everybody’ll nice and sauced up! I can hardly wait till next Saturday! Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing this scene in 5…4…3…2…1…(weeks or so).


Some pics:

bloo sky

bloo sky

the falcon

the falcon




Filed under Fun, Life, School